Today was a fun day. More people are arriving today after they get off work. The guys all went to House of Flavors to conquer the Pig's Dinner. This is an ice cream concoction made up of 4 scoops of ice cream, pineapple, chocolate and strawberry toppings, whipped cream, a cherry and a banana. It is served in a wooden trough. If you finish it, you get a special pin. Jay, Bird, Chris, my dad and Jon all took the challenge and they all finished it. The funny thing was, after they were all done, the waitress brought out the pins. Because she liked us all so much, she gave us all pins. Chris was a little peeved. He was miserable and needed the check right away so he could leave. He was a bit uncomfortable. And irritated that he went through all of that and we all got pins. Oh well. You can actually buy the pin for 1.99 anyway.
I got the Roseanne, Roseanna Banana. A slice of banana bread, topped with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, drizzled with hot caramel, topped with sliced bananas and whipped cream. It was delicious, but I didn't finish it.
My dad and I went to the North Breakwater lighthouse to take pictures. It was so windy, we were eating sand.
We had a fire pit in the evening as late arrivals were coming in. All in all, a fun filled busy day.
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