Wednesday, September 15, 2010

September 13, 2010

I forgot to take a picture today.

So I would like to briefly share my opinion on something. Is America F'd up in its priorities? Michelle Obama took a lavish vacation to Spain, spending tax payers' dollars. Oprah is giving away Australian vacations to longtime loyal viewers (people sitting on a couch everyday for the last 20 years?). Is it even in the realm of the Obamas' or Oprah's world that there are people who have to decide between buying food or prescriptions?

People standing on street corners with signs are making more money than I do working a 40 hour/week job. I actually work with people who are on welfare but carry Coach purses and drive SUV's. Am I really angry at them? Or am I jealous. I think I'm doing it wrong.

1 comment:

Ash said...

completely agree!!