Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Peppermints and Pancakes
Getting ready to do some damage to the house.
Making things perfect.
Finishing touches.
All done.
Time for the slumber party!
Pancakes in the morning.
No need to brush my hair, it's pancake time!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Does 'Xmas' offend you?
History lesson for the day...
Monday, December 15, 2008
Saturday, December 6, 2008
It's Beginning to Look a lot Like Christmas
After the tree was put together and standing tall, we decided that we might have to get a new tree this year when they go on clearance at work. It's rather skimpy and vertically challenged. We put on a little Christmas music for motivation and lit a cozy, cracklin' fire. (We popped in a realistic fireplace DVD.)
I got to say, once the lights and decorations are strategically placed on the tree, it looks pretty good. And especially with all the presents underneath. Sadly, there aren't any presents under there for me. Jon usually waits till the last minute to wrap my presents. Now that the tree is up, we thought maybe we should put up a few more decorations. So I got out my favorite grape vine snowman and our fiber optic village. I would love to get some lights out on the house, but it happens to be 23 degrees outside and snowing.
Maybe next year. Or better yet, maybe in the middle of the summer when it's sunny and warm. You don't think anyone will notice if we have lights up all year, do you? Well, anyway. Since we have received our first Christmas cards in the mail, I think I should probably get going on sending out our Christmas cards.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Is there one in there for you?
Monday, December 1, 2008
Aaaaaaaaaaahhhh, the holidays.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Sonic -- America's Drive-In

I just had the best experience at a drive thru in my whole 32 years! After I ordered our food, the girl on the other end repeated it to me. Then when I drove up to the window, the dude (who looked like a young Andy Samberg) repeated it to me again before asking for my money. After I handed him a twenty, I commented to Jon that if Burger King would repeat people's orders twice in the drive thru, they might actually get an order right. And they might actually still be open. When the food was ready (which was super fast), Andy handed it to me and repeated what it was! "Here's your bugers with onion rings, two unsweetened iced teas..." Then he said, "Is there anything else I can get you?" I said, "No, thanks." He said, "You both have a great evening."
It brought a tear to my eye, I swear.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Just checking in...
Morgan in mirror is closer than she appears!
Duke getting all sleepy on the couch.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
The Indiana Invaders finish the season 8-0
The Indiana Invaders won their soccer game today to close the season undefeated. The offense dominated, controlling the ball for the majority of the game. The defense only gave up one goal for a final score of 8-1.
Great job ladies! Time to celebrate!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Do we have the same interests?

So, I just recently set my Myspace profile to private. If you have ever looked at someone's profile when it's private, you know it will tell you, "Kelly's profile is private. Here are some public profiles you might find interesting:" and then show pictures from other people's profiles. Pictures such as this woman's, that I saw today when I went to my profile before signing on. Do you think they just randomly display people's profiles or do you think this girl is really interested in photography, NASCAR and America's Next Top Model?
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Long Sporty Day Today
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Corn, Maize

Friday, October 3, 2008
Do Work Son!
Here's Jay and Jon successfully getting the shrimp boil from the boiler pot to the kitchen counter. A couple things you can hear are:
"I'm not really worried about Jon's hands, I'm the one getting steam burned."
"Do work son!"
"Oh my..."
The Ludington weekend was great. I'm so glad that Uncle Dan made it up after having back surgery the week before. And Angie, Adam, Biz and his girlfriend made it this year for the first time. Duke even came along this year. All we need now is for Tommy to make it. Cross your fingers for next year. Tommy, put in a request for a day off now! We had such beautiful weather all weekend. And it seemed a little more relaxed this year than it has in the past. We all pretty much stayed at Sauble for most of the weekend. Except for a few trips to the state park for fishing or picture taking. We used to all get up and go to breakfast together, go shopping downtown, out to eat at P.M. Steamers... It's always fun and great to spend that time together, but it just made the weekend so busy. I loved it this year.
Thanks again to Uncle Dan, Fave Aunt Pam, Jay, Laurie, Tommy and Laura for the great birthday gift. It's wonderful. I love it. Thanks to Jay and Jen for the gift cards. My favorite restaurant in the world. Thanks to Chris, Lauren and Morgan for the gift card. My favorite place to shop. Thanks to Dad and Mom for the shirt and gift card. My favorite college football team and my favorite place to scrapbook.
Monday, September 29, 2008
It truly was the Weinerfest of 2008!

It was truly the most exciting ending to my birthday. A 'happy ending' if you will.
A bunch of us decided to go to the state park. So eight adults piled into Karen's minivan, which is not sized to comfortably fit eight adults, and headed out. It was quite funny and interesting, much like a 'clown car'. After checking out the state park, we headed home.
Now there is about 2 miles of road along the shoreline of Lake Michigan that leads into the Ludington State Park. As we headed back, the shoreline was on our right hand side. There are some small dunes between the road and the water, only about 20-30 yards. And they aren't very high dunes. There are small clearings every 100 yards or so, so that people can park on the side of the road and walk down to the beach.
Friday, September 19, 2008
The greatest thing I seen all day!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Couldn't ask for more...
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Would you like a turnover?

Friday, September 12, 2008
Pick your poison.
Monday, September 8, 2008
It's Sunny and Beautiful Outside.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Why so serious?
Had a great dinner last night with friends and family at the Olive Garden. It was yummy delish. I had the stuffed chicken Marsala. It is the best, and what I get every time I go there. I gave Sharkboy a really cool prize. So cool that I wanted one. I think he liked it. I was given an update last night that he was wearing it. Only it. And the prize was not a piece of clothing. (Maybe you'll read more about it on 'Plays with Sirens'.)
Tonight I'm hoping to see one of my favorite comedians and TV personalities, Joel McHale. He's suppose to be on the South Quad tonight for a free show. It's not suppose to rain tonight, so Jon and I will be visiting the ND campus tonight.
Have a great weekend everybody!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
The Great Depression 2.0
Sunday, July 20, 2008
A Medium Vanilla Shake, please.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
*said slowly and with a face of disgust* "What....the....F#@K!!!!!"

Is this really necessary? It took me and another team member about an hour and a half to clean up this one aisle Wednesday night. The picture does it no justice considering that I decided to take the picture after I started cleaning it up. Stupid and inconsiderate people piss me off to no end. Most of the bags and luggage on the right hand side were all taken out of their packaging and there are DISPLAYS set up so you can see what they look like! Why? I curse all the people who did this and wish them ill will.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Conundrums and Cogitations
Kids who run barefoot across the grass at top speed like they've never stepped on an acorn, a tack or a bottle cap in their life.
Shoppers who leave messes in my store as if they were raised in a barn. I can only imaging what some people's houses look like. Nevermind all the rugs on the floor. You can always see how it will look in your house once you place it down on a shiny, clean, buffed white tile floor. (Then just leave it there. Someone else may need to see it too.) Nevermind all the outdoor chaise chair cushions that have been unrolled. I know it is important see what color it really is. Even though it is only rolled up and you can, ya know, see the color. And nevermind all the opened packages laying around. I swear, manufacturers should just stop putting pictures on boxes and save themselves some ink, money and time. Today, we had to pick a piece of poop off the floor. A piece of POOP!!
Another side...
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Just a couple things...
I saw a man today wearing an interesting outfit. I'll start at the top. Blue and white plaid shirt tucked into green camoflauge shorts. Black socks and brown dress shoes. No lie.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Long, Long Ago...In a Faraway Place...
I've been in my new position at work now for about 3 weeks. I absolutely hate it. I really, really don't like it at all.
We've recently had some 'house' problems. One night while doing laundry...Jon went downstairs to put my work clothes in the dryer and put his work clothes in the washer. After he started the dryer, we smelled natural gas upstairs. Jon says, "Let's call the fire department!" I said, "Now hold on a minute. It started right about when you turned the dryer on, so go turn it off." After he turned the dryer off, the smell went away. So Jon took one set of my work clothes and one set of his work clothes over to his friend's house to dry. The next morning, when I had no hot water, (I love cold showers!) I discovered that the sump pump had stopped working. And when my clothes were in the washer, all the rinse water flooded up and took the hot water heater pilot light out. Hence the coincidence of the gas smell right after my clothes were done. Anyhoo, after my cold shower, I went to work for a few hours, then came home to help fix this horrific situation. Jon also did not go to work. So I went to Menards to buy a new sump pump. It was scary because they don't make them like the one we had, and that's what I was looking for. So I got one that I thought would be okay and brought it home. Jon changed out the sump pump and we got that going. Yeah, clean clothes again! After drying the floor all up, reading the instructions on the water heater 8 times, finding a video on YouTube about lighting a pilot light, and calling our Fireman Friend Jay*, we got the pilot light lit again. I gotta tell you, we were both terrified that we were going to blow up the house. Yeah, hot showers again! The last thing on the list was the air conditioner. After explaining the problem to *FFJ, he told me he could fix it for us for cheap. Jay came over, got the part he needed to replace, and went to the part time gig. On his lunch, he came back replaced the part with a new one, and the AC works! Yeah, cool house again! So, I'm in debt to my husband for changing the sump pump (I would never touch all that nastiness) and to Jay for fixing our AC for $1.98 and a bottle of Bombay (and something else he doesn't know about yet...). Thanks gentlemen!
4th of July vacation in Ludington this weekend. I can't wait. I need a vacation.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Poor pathetic pooch

Thursday, June 5, 2008
How's the weather?
(tomorrow) "There is a chance for a t'storm late in the day, possibly heavy in spots."
(tomorrow night) "Showers and t'storms likely early, possibly heavy or severe. Still a chance of t'storms overnight."
(saturday) "Slight chance of a t'storm, especially south."
That is far too many chances, possiblies, and likelies. I am, however, overwhelmed by the especially!
How can someone even predict that storms could possibly be heavy in spots when there's only a chance that they will even exist? That concept blows my mind. Does a likely have more gumption than a chance? BUT...If there is a chance for thunderstorms on Saturday, they may or may not exist especially in the south? Huh?
So basically...
It may or man not rain a little or a lot.
It may or may not thunder, lightning, be cool or be hot.
It may or may not do this in the south.
It may or may not do this over my house.
Do I find a nearby shelter, or move up further north?
What kind of effort does this weatherman put forth?
He may or may not make six figures doing this.
But his predictions especially aren't worth a piss.
I'm leaving a great team. *sniff*
Then at the end of our shift, one of my gals pulled me aside and gave me a gift just from her. A bottle of Bombay Sapphire. She was always my favorite.
Monday, June 2, 2008
The busiest day at work I ever had!
I have never had a busier day at work since I started there. Unless, of course, I was busier as a GSTL and I've blocked all those memories out. It started out with the usual Monday morning routine. I had to print all my reports for the previous week's workload. All my numbers are green, by the way. Which is good. I'm hitting all my goals. Then I had to scan out all the work that dropped in over the weekend that we already did on Friday. That's what happens when we get ahead in our work and complete Monday's work on Friday. I went over a few things with Janie*, who is replacing me next week. I can't believe this is my last week doing price change... After that, I attempted to start scanning in softlines. When I got through about 1/3 of a side of a rack, my soon-to-be new boss, Stacey* called me to a meeting. When we got to the end of the meeting (about 9am) I'm thinking about how it's my break time. I had been there 3 hours and was ready for my first break. So when she busted out the new Workplace Safety focus, I spouted, "Oh, I already went over this with Rhianna* (my current and soon-to-be old boss). So I already have all this information." As I'm ready to bolt out of the room to take my break, she says, "Good. Why don't you go ahead and lead us through this since you know it." Uuuuuuggggggghhhhhhhh. So after my break (about 930am) I start to go over all the reports with Rhianna. Explaining how to pull them all up and print them. Where they are filed. What the breakdowns mean. How to find trends in different departments. (This is my boss, mind you.) And while we are trying to do this on the computer in the back, everybody and their mother's uncle wants to use that same computer and printer to print their signs. So we keep getting interupted. Then I hear over the walkie, "Kelly, your 10 o'clock interview is here." Deep, heavy sigh. So now I got to go do an interview. I tell Rhianna that we'll pick up where we left off later. Jeez O'Pete. By the time I got done with Rhianna, after my interview, it was lunch time. After lunch, I had to hold a meeting with my team about Safety. So at about 1pm, I went back to scanning softlines. But only for another hour and a half because I leave at 230pm. I really didn't get a whole lot of actual work done today.
Ta ta for now!
Sunday, June 1, 2008
I am not a professional...yet.
Jon and I have been using our Wii Fit this weekend. It is pretty fun and it tracks our progress (or lack there of). There are a lot of neat games to play that give you a little bit of a work out. I have high hopes for it. But only time will tell. But the more time you put into it, the more games you unlock, so it encourages you to keep at it. Jon has put in a little more time than I, and he has unlocked more games.
I borrowed some studio lighting from Jon's dad this week and took it over to my parents' house to try it out. Lauren and Morgan were over there today, so they were my models. It's not quite the 'professional' set up that I was hoping for. I only took one light stand and one umbrella over there, and I did not get the results I wanted. I definitely need two light stands and possibly one backlight or a hairlight. A softbox would be nice too. All in due time. And all when more money is available. I did, however, order a lighting set up today that included a professional backdrop. So I will be able to start taking professional-quality pictures now and start charging for them. (Sorry to those friends who had been getting it done for free up until now. But you will get the 'friend discount'.)
Well, this is my last week as a Price Accuracy Team Leader. Starting Sunday, at the ass-crack of dawn (5am) I will be a Salesfloor Team Leader. But it will be nice to have days off during the week now.
Ta ta for now!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Memorial Day Weekend
Saturday, we had a garage sale at my mom and dad's. Most of the money was made by Chris who sold everything from Weebles to tools. Lauren sold a little lemonade and made $1.75! I'm pretty sure that after you calculate the overhead, she may have lost some money. Or Chris actually did. We made a total of $45. Well, $35 after we bought lunch. Jay, Jen and Sharkboy came by as well. Jen and I sat in the sun for a little bit, and I got a wonderful tan line from my socks. The horrible part is that I wasn't wearing no-shows, which is usually what I wear. So now when I wear my no-shows there is a nice space of fish-belly white leg between my sock and my tan. Jon spent most of the day fixing my parents' computer in the basement. And Dad was fishing all day.
Today, Jon and worked outside for a bit. Jon repaired a loose board on the bottom step of the deck while I researched the best way for us to clean, powerwash and treat the deck. Then we cleared out some landscaping we had around a tree in the side yard. We just decided to throw down a rubber mulch mat that we can mow over and around. We lugged our swing out and sat for awhile. I decided that I would like to move and Jon reminded me of our 5 year plan. It's just a little too noisy where we are at. And we don't need such a large yard. It's a bear to take care of, so we tend to neglect it. Tonight we will be going back over to my parents' for a cookout/firepit.
Tomorrow brings mystery. No plans except for Jon going to his buddy's house at about noon. Maybe I'll clear out some of my DVR queue.