Monday, June 2, 2008

The busiest day at work I ever had!

* names have been changed to protect the innocent

I have never had a busier day at work since I started there. Unless, of course, I was busier as a GSTL and I've blocked all those memories out. It started out with the usual Monday morning routine. I had to print all my reports for the previous week's workload. All my numbers are green, by the way. Which is good. I'm hitting all my goals. Then I had to scan out all the work that dropped in over the weekend that we already did on Friday. That's what happens when we get ahead in our work and complete Monday's work on Friday. I went over a few things with Janie*, who is replacing me next week. I can't believe this is my last week doing price change... After that, I attempted to start scanning in softlines. When I got through about 1/3 of a side of a rack, my soon-to-be new boss, Stacey* called me to a meeting. When we got to the end of the meeting (about 9am) I'm thinking about how it's my break time. I had been there 3 hours and was ready for my first break. So when she busted out the new Workplace Safety focus, I spouted, "Oh, I already went over this with Rhianna* (my current and soon-to-be old boss). So I already have all this information." As I'm ready to bolt out of the room to take my break, she says, "Good. Why don't you go ahead and lead us through this since you know it." Uuuuuuggggggghhhhhhhh. So after my break (about 930am) I start to go over all the reports with Rhianna. Explaining how to pull them all up and print them. Where they are filed. What the breakdowns mean. How to find trends in different departments. (This is my boss, mind you.) And while we are trying to do this on the computer in the back, everybody and their mother's uncle wants to use that same computer and printer to print their signs. So we keep getting interupted. Then I hear over the walkie, "Kelly, your 10 o'clock interview is here." Deep, heavy sigh. So now I got to go do an interview. I tell Rhianna that we'll pick up where we left off later. Jeez O'Pete. By the time I got done with Rhianna, after my interview, it was lunch time. After lunch, I had to hold a meeting with my team about Safety. So at about 1pm, I went back to scanning softlines. But only for another hour and a half because I leave at 230pm. I really didn't get a whole lot of actual work done today.
Ta ta for now!

1 comment:

Jay said...

That is exactly why I don't miss the bullseye...