Sunday, June 1, 2008

I am not a professional...yet.

This weekend went by too quickly. I was expecting it to rain, so I didn't water the lawn. Now I have to water the lawn.

Jon and I have been using our Wii Fit this weekend. It is pretty fun and it tracks our progress (or lack there of). There are a lot of neat games to play that give you a little bit of a work out. I have high hopes for it. But only time will tell. But the more time you put into it, the more games you unlock, so it encourages you to keep at it. Jon has put in a little more time than I, and he has unlocked more games.

I borrowed some studio lighting from Jon's dad this week and took it over to my parents' house to try it out. Lauren and Morgan were over there today, so they were my models. It's not quite the 'professional' set up that I was hoping for. I only took one light stand and one umbrella over there, and I did not get the results I wanted. I definitely need two light stands and possibly one backlight or a hairlight. A softbox would be nice too. All in due time. And all when more money is available. I did, however, order a lighting set up today that included a professional backdrop. So I will be able to start taking professional-quality pictures now and start charging for them. (Sorry to those friends who had been getting it done for free up until now. But you will get the 'friend discount'.)

Well, this is my last week as a Price Accuracy Team Leader. Starting Sunday, at the ass-crack of dawn (5am) I will be a Salesfloor Team Leader. But it will be nice to have days off during the week now.

Ta ta for now!

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