Thursday, June 5, 2008

I'm leaving a great team. *sniff*

Tomorrow is my last day with my current team. I have 5 wonderful ladies that work for me and I'm going to miss working with them. I'm not going anywhere, I'll literally be yards away from them at any given time, but they threw me a 'going away party' anyway. Two of them that weren't working today even came in on their day off. That's impressive at $4 a gallon... But I digress. They pitched in and got me a great gift and a card that they all signed. They said such wonderful things, I teared up.

Then at the end of our shift, one of my gals pulled me aside and gave me a gift just from her. A bottle of Bombay Sapphire. She was always my favorite.

1 comment:

Jay said...

The person who would give me a bottle of Bombay Sapphire would be my favorite too...I don't see Dan doing that.