Friday, September 19, 2008

The greatest thing I seen all day!

Tonight, Jon and I went to the Notre Dame Men's Soccer game. Lauren's soccer team, the Indiana Invaders, got to play on the field against the boys' team at half-time. When we walked up to Alumni Field, what did I see? An elephant ear stand. OMG, guess what I had for dinner. It was fun to watch the adults and the kids play soccer. Mom, Dad, Chris and Morgan were there too. Then FFJ came for a little bit and brought the big red fire truck. We kept telling Morgan that the fire truck was going to be pink, and she kept telling us it wasn't. It was going to be fire-truck-red.
Overall, today was a good day. I slept in, played a little Burger Island, mowed the lawn, made lunch, took a nap, showered, and went to the soccer game. I'm exhausted...

1 comment:

Jay said...

Actually there will be a pink fire truck at Sta. 1 and at Hilton Gardens on 10/1 for Breast Cancer Awareness...and firemen in pink shirts.