Sunday, February 7, 2010

February 6, 2010

TV's, TV's and more TV's. People's tax returns are apparently burning holes in their pockets.

I was pulling and selling TV's up until we closed at 10pm. Someone is having a nice super bowl party with this 55" 120Hz HDTV. That is, if he gets it home in one piece. The dude layed it down in the back of his pick up truck to take it home. I explained to him why that was a bad idea and that I didn't recommend that he do that. But he did anyway. Whatever. LCD = Liquid Crystal Display. Cracks very easily. Good luck, dude.

1 comment:

Ash said...

umm...yeah Marcus said at the bank people were coming in like crazy withdrawing their whole return some had very large returns. he didn't get it.