Monday, February 15, 2010

February 15, 2010

I'm now going back and forth on this camera. It really does take good pictures. But I'm struggling with the poor video quality and slow focusing. I had to call off work today because the seatbelt in my car won't work. And I will not drive without it. So I had to take it in to get fixed. I did drive it to the gas station, scared the whole time. But thankfully, it is on the corner of our street, and literally like 100 yards away. While they have it, they are checking the brakes too. I have a feeling this will deplete our vacation fund.

I'm kind of getting over The Bachelor. Actually, I'm just looking forward to the After the Rose show. I totally forgot about the psycho Michelle until they showed her on the commercial. I'm horrible, and went online and read who wins. So I already know. I will not give anything away, unless you haven't watched today's episode. I was disappointed that Gia was sent home. Out of the remaining 3, I think she best suits him. Even though I really like Tenley, she talks too much about her ex. And she continuously talks about what she doesn't want in a husband, how much different Jake is than her ex. I don't think she really knows what she does want. And Vienna is just Vienna. I can see what he sees in her. Think about what only he sees when he is with her. He doesn't see what we all see.

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