So if I ever became rich and famous and decided that I would spend the rest of my life still living in South Bend, this would be my house.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
February 27, 2010
Every year I wait patiently for McDonald's to start selling their Shamrock Shakes. Finally! Jon and I got them today, and I have to say I was slightly (only a tiny, tiny bit) disappointed. This year they put whipped cream and a cherry on top, which I am deeply opposed to. Had I known that ahead of time, I would have ordered it without. And since I am only having one this year, I will have to wait till next year to get a good one again. Mmmmmmmm.
February 26, 2010

We. Are. Crazy.
Dad and I drove up to St. Joe to take pictures of the pier and lighthouse on Lake Michigan. We were hoping for some dramatic ice and immense wave action on the lighthouse itself. Well, about the only thing we were blessed with was some cold ass weather. It was really cold and windy. When we parked, we walked as far as we could up the pier to see what we were working with. I wasn't too impressed, and decided not to go back to get my good camera. I was happy with taking some snapshots with my small camera and phone. Dad went back to get his to take some pictures. We ended up walking up on top of the frozen waves and looking down to the water. It was just a big mass of ice chunks churning in the wavy water. Every now and then, a set of waves lined up good enough to splash up the bank of what we were standing on. We didn't get wet exactly, mind you. It wasn't quite water that was splashing up at us. We were thoroughly pelted with slush and ice chunks. We certainly earned the Starbucks we got on the way home.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
February 25, 2010
It's American Idol kick off tonight. Most of the guys were terrible. The girls were better. And I totally disagree with one of the guys that got kicked off. Today was a non-diet and exercise day. I tried not to pig out, but I needed a break. Back to the old grind tomorrow. Of dieting and exercising. Not work. That's not till Monday. :-)
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
February 24, 2010
February 23, 2010
I've lost 2.8 pounds in less than a week! It doesn't sound like a lot, but I'm excited. Trying to get my bikini bod ready for Disney World vacation next April. Jon and I went grocery shopping tonight, and I bought all kinds of yummy, healthy food. I almost bought these awesome blueberry muffins from the bakery. Julie and I have them once in a while on break. When I asked the baker for the nutritional information, I was floored that one muffin was 560 calories! That's like a whole meal. Needless to say, I didn't buy them.
Dad and I are going on a night shoot tomorrow. We're gonna try and take some night shots of the Farmer's Market. If they turn out decent, I'll post tomorrow.
Monday, February 22, 2010
February 22, 2010
Spring cannot get here soon enough. I am so over this snow. This week, at work, we set the lawn and patio furniture and such. It makes me wanna put up our gazebo and mow the lawn. I wish I were rich so that I could buy everything. It's all so cute. Laca, here, demonstrates the beauty and quality that is the Rolston set with the offset umbrella.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
February 21, 2010
Tonight was birthday dinner at Mom and Dad's. We had Sarma for dinner. (Serbian stuffed cabbage.) Ethan's birthday was also earlier this month, so we brought his presents as well. Dinner was delish. We all hung out and talked about old times when Chris and I were growing up. One more day of work, tomorrow. Then it's VACATION!!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
February 20, 2010
Today was a busy ass day at work. Everybody is getting their tax returns. And I think just about everybody wants to spend them in the Electronics Department. Tonight, Jon and I went to Olive Garden for dinner. We had a Gift Card from his parents from Christmas. It was too yummy. I made a Caramel Apple Cheesecake for dinner tomorrow. We are eating at my parent's house for Dad's birthday.
I thought that I should post a picture of me just once a month. That way I can track the good and bad hair styles over the year. Plus, there wasn't anything interesting to take a picture of today.
February 19, 2010
Happy Birthday Dad! Next year is the big one!
Chick-Fil-A hearts Target and Target hearts Chick-Fil-A. Today we got some free chicken sandwiches in the break room courtesy of Chick-Fil-A. Just because. Just because someone put in a large order and then forgot to come pick it up. I bet Dana has a little to do with that sometimes. She is the HR at Chick-Fil-A and a part-timer at Target. :-)
February 17, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
February 16, 2010
Happy Fat Tuesday. Or Happy Paczki Day! Diet starts tomorrow. Famous last words...
Picked up my car today. I was told that I needed new brakes, pads, roters and bearings, new tires, a front end alignment and an oil change. The estimate $1770. No thanks. I had them change the oil. $28. Actually, told them to do that when I took it in. The initial reason I took my car in, for the seatbelt, they found nothing wrong with. It's intermitant, so we'll have to see how that goes. I'm in the process of trying to get someone I know to do the brakes. Front end alignment, I can live with. I never felt an issue anyway. The brakes do need to get done very soon, though.
Monday, February 15, 2010
February 15, 2010
I'm now going back and forth on this camera. It really does take good pictures. But I'm struggling with the poor video quality and slow focusing. I had to call off work today because the seatbelt in my car won't work. And I will not drive without it. So I had to take it in to get fixed. I did drive it to the gas station, scared the whole time. But thankfully, it is on the corner of our street, and literally like 100 yards away. While they have it, they are checking the brakes too. I have a feeling this will deplete our vacation fund.
I'm kind of getting over The Bachelor. Actually, I'm just looking forward to the After the Rose show. I totally forgot about the psycho Michelle until they showed her on the commercial. I'm horrible, and went online and read who wins. So I already know. I will not give anything away, unless you haven't watched today's episode. I was disappointed that Gia was sent home. Out of the remaining 3, I think she best suits him. Even though I really like Tenley, she talks too much about her ex. And she continuously talks about what she doesn't want in a husband, how much different Jake is than her ex. I don't think she really knows what she does want. And Vienna is just Vienna. I can see what he sees in her. Think about what only he sees when he is with her. He doesn't see what we all see.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
February 14, 2010
Happy Valentin's Day! I got my new camera today. It's a little black Sony. I'm not thrilled with the quality of it. I'm 100% sure I will be exchanging it for a better one. Right now, we are in transition in the Electronics department and have very few cameras to choose from. But I can't go without a camera. I have 90 days to return/exchange it. So I will use it until something better comes along. The picture quality is fine. But it takes forever to focus on something. If I'm taking pictures of Lauren playing soccer or Morgan dancing around, I don't have a chance. The video quality is lacking as well. I'll probably end up spending a little more for something better, but I'm okay with that. You get what you pay for. This is the first picture I took with it. Of course, it's my Duke. Playing outside in the snow. Which I'm quite sick of already.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
February 13, 2010

It's Valentine's Day Eve. Today, Jon and I had a busy day. I started out the day with a photo session this morning. I went to Carey's house, a friend of mine at work, to take pictures of her daughter who will be turning 3 next month. Early in the afternoon, Jon and I went to see Avatar in 3D. After my short nap during the movie, I started to get a headache and my eyes were watering from the 3D. I stepped out of the theatre to do a little facebooking and played Bejeweled on my phone. I returned to the theatre to watch the last hour of the movie without my 3D glasses on. It didn't look too horrible, and I didn't get a headache. Jon and I then went to Main Street Pub for an early dinner. We stopped and visited with Jay, Jen and Ethan for a bit before running off the the Notre Dame bookstore to buy me my Valentine's Day present. A Notre Dame Snuggie. Finally! I've been wanting a Snuggie since Christmas. I've spent the better part of the evening editing Ada's pictures. I think editing is as much fun, if not more, than actually taking the pictures. I love the creativity it requires.
Friday, February 12, 2010
February 12, 2010

I have to say a few things about people's driving skills today. There are more and more round-a-bouts (henceforth known as RAB) popping up around town, and people are having a hard time adjusting. (I think it's more of the elderly females that are having a problem. I think they are frightened.) The whole purpose of a RAB is to keep traffic flowing. Therefore you don't have to stop if there is no other vehicle in that lane coming at you! Keep moving sister. And I have to say this... "Look kids. Big Ben. Parliament." After successfully negotiating the RAB behind some old lady, I then get next to a woman (whom I previously saw pretty much fly through the RAB) talking on her cell phone, whilst smoking a cigarette with her toddler in the back seat. Hey, at least the kid was in a car seat. Okay, last observation. Or question, really. Why do people have boxes of tissue on the back dash of their car? They can't reach it. Much less if the opening is facing the back of the car. (As seen in pic.)
February 11, 2010

*For the next few days, I will be taking pictures with my phone. So they won't be of great quality.
In an effort to reduce our heating bill, we busted out the little electric room heater. It's kind of small, but perfect for our little living room. Duke likes to lay in front of it, of course. I'm sure the cats would like to as well, but seeing as how they don't like to be in the same room as Duke, they don't get to partake.
February 10, 2010
Well, it finally happened. I forgot to take a picture today. I haven't been carrying around my camera since I am selling it to someone else. And I haven't bought my new camera yet, because it goes on sale on Sunday. Believe me, I also checked my phone to see if I took any random pictures. I didn't. :-(
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
February 9, 2010
Well, it's time to say goodbye to an old friend. I'm selling my little Canon and buying a new camera next week. I've been wanting to get a new camera for awhile now. Only because the Canon takes AA batteries, which burn up pretty darn fast as much as I take pictures. Other than that, it's been a great camera, I have always been happy with it. I hope the new Sony I'm going to get is just as good.
Monday, February 8, 2010
February 8, 2010
Sunday, February 7, 2010
February 7, 2010
'Twas Super Bowl Sunday, and today was busy as hell at work. Thank God we had some Barnaby's pizza for dinner to get us through the night. A special shout out to Greg (Greeeegggg!!!) for going to Barnaby's and picking it up for us. Would have been nice to actually go there and get a beer with our pizza, but I think Target would frown upon that.
February 6, 2010
TV's, TV's and more TV's. People's tax returns are apparently burning holes in their pockets.
I was pulling and selling TV's up until we closed at 10pm. Someone is having a nice super bowl party with this 55" 120Hz HDTV. That is, if he gets it home in one piece. The dude layed it down in the back of his pick up truck to take it home. I explained to him why that was a bad idea and that I didn't recommend that he do that. But he did anyway. Whatever. LCD = Liquid Crystal Display. Cracks very easily. Good luck, dude.
Friday, February 5, 2010
February 5, 2010
Today was busy at work. We sold a load of TV's. Non-stop starting at 9am. You would think there was a big football game going on this weekend or something. I got my Girl Scout cookies today, too. I ordered 2 new ones that they haven't had before. The Lemonades are fabulous. The Thanks-a-Lots, not so special. They taste exactly like Keebler striped cookies. When I got off work, I did a little grocery shopping and came home and Jon made dinner. We had potato soup. To relax this evening, I did a puzzle. I need to buy some new puzzles, because I only have 3, and I've put them all together several times.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
February 3, 2010

I have come to realize that most of my posts and pictures are concerning my Duke and food. But until the weather starts cooperating, and I can get more pictures outside, that's going to have to do. This is what I woke up to this morning. My Duke all spread out in all his comfortableness, at the end of the bed. He usually starts up towards the top of the bed, all snuggly in between Jon and I. But this is where we find him in the morning.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
February 2, 2010
I was off work today. I started my day by making an awesome omelet. I put hashbrowns, bacon and cheese inside the omelet. Yummy! I did some laundry and cleaned the bedroom. Early in the evening I went to Mom and Dad's. They had a contractor come out to give them some information and an estimate for putting on a big front porch on their house. Fun stuff. After that, the three of us went to Five Guys for dinner. Mom and Dad bought dinner, a nice surprise. I had an LBC 'all the way'. Little Bacon Cheeseburger with everything. Then home for Idol. However, I had to watch Idol in the bedroom on the little old 19" TV. How dreadful. Lost started it's last season tonight, and I thought I'd let Jon watch it on the big TV in the living room. Man, we need to get that basement finished.
February 1, 2010
First off, I'd like to say Happy Birthday to my 'nephew' Ethan! Today he is 6. Now mind you, 6 years ago, he was born on Super Bowl Sunday during the infamous "Nipplegate" wardrobe malfunction. Happy Birthday Sharkboy.
You need to try some of this Pear Cinnamon Caramel ice cream. It is delightful. Not too much cinnamon, just enough. And a very soft pear flavored ice cream. It is just perfect. Only at Target, of course.
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