Happy Halloweekend!
After work today, Jon and I went over to my parents' house for dinner and to pass out candy to the trick-or-treaters. Jon and I don't get trick-or-treaters at our house. Well, at least we don't think so. In the 8 years that we have lived there, we've never been home for Halloween. I think its safe to assume that we don't get any kids, because our house sits back from the road a little and there is a line of trees that separate our house from the street. We have an empty lot just to the east of us that sits on the corner. And our neighbor to the west of us is about 30 yards away. I just don't think kids are gonna run through our area of the street. Morgan dressed up as Batgirl and Lauren as a gangster. I took pictures of some of the best homemade costumes that we saw that night. I think the best one was bacon. There was a great R2-D2 that made the R2-D2 noise that he makes, a toothbrush and toothpaste. One girl was dressed up like a cowgirl and had her dog with her that had a costume on that looked like he was a horse and had a little cowboy riding on his back. Next year, we will have treats for the doggies too. And I decided that next year I'm putting a costume on Duke. We never have before, but we're gonna try. Jon's not into it, but I don't care.
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