I'm so excited to embark on a new adventure. Jay set up a program with the Clay Fire Department for freelance photographers to work as associate members. There are three of us, ideally one for each shift. We will get text messages whenever there is a call and we are suppose to respond and take pictures. Its still in the beginning stages. But I did pick up my vest. (I photoshopped 'photographer' on it. It really just says Clay Fire.) Hopefully, I will be able to respond to some interesting calls. Looks like I'm gonna have to buy a camera real soon huh? Jon says I should prepare myself for possibly seeing some gruesome stuff. I think I will be ok. But you never know until you're in that situation. We have a meeting next month to go over safety procedures and expectations. Honestly, I don't think I will respond to anything until I have all the safety information.
that is very fun, congrats. I too thought I was fine with gruesome stuff, turnsout...I'm not.
It's not nearly as gruesome as one would think...well at least all the time.
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