Thursday, August 12, 2010

August 12, 2010

I'm working out again. And doggone it if it doesn't work. I don't want to overwhelm myself with a gigantic goal of weight loss. So I'm taking it one week at a time. I've given myself a goal of 2 pounds per week. And that's not a lot. I started last Wednesday. So today, I'm down 6.4 pounds. In 8 days! Awesome! I've been Wii Fitting and trying to watch what I eat. I discovered frozen yogurt smoothies. Not like I haven't had one before. But I wasn't one to make my own on a regular basis. They're fantastic. I put extra strawberries and bananas in mine today. That was my lunch. I can't believe that I still lost weight even though we went to Red Lobster last night. But I guess that's what regular exercise does for you. Boosts your metabolism a little and you can splurge once in awhile and it won't destroy you.

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