Boy, do I like to save money. Jon and I went grocery shopping tonight. We got over $240 worth of groceries for less than $170! We shop for 2 weeks at a time, rather than the customary once a week. It's kind of a chore and a pain in the ass to carry the groceries into the house, since we aren't fortunate enough to have an attached garage. So we just try to get more done in one shot. Plus, since I work there, it's pretty easy for me to pick something up if we run out. Like milk. We buy so much milk, its unreal. For a household with no kids, we go through a lot of milk. I bet we drink 3-4 gallons a week. I guess that isn't something too horrible to be addicted to. And it's skim too! The above receipt reflects several discounts. As a team member, I get 10% off everything. And because we use our Target Check Card (NOT a credit card, comes out of our checking), we earn rewards coupons quite a bit. So there is an additional 10% rewards discount. AND all through the month of April, as a team member, I get an additional 10% off anything that is Target brand. Add on the fact that I am the coupon queen, and you can see that we saved $70.13. We actually saved a little more than that. There is a separate receipt where we bought a few other things, but had to be rung up separately because we were ad matching another store's ad price. I gotta say, if you don't grocery shop at Target, give a try once. After running the Price Accuracy team for a good 2.5 years, I know that we competatively price our groceries. And I have personally compared prices on stuff I buy all the time. If we have to run to Meijer for something, I check out some prices on stuff. Target is cheaper on so many things. Okay, I'm done with my plug for Target. Okay, one more plug. Target's bakery makes these sinfully amazing Archer Farms blueberry muffins. I made the mistake of checking the nutritional value one day, and found out they were 560 calories each! Well, the bakery also makes blueberry muffin
bread. It is amazing. And each slice is less than 200 calories, so you can indulge and not feel so bad. Lightly toasted in the toaster with a little butter... Like I said, sinfully amazing. It will be making an appearance in Ludington this fall.