This was my new invention for the day. I browned some hamburger. I made some bacon and cut it up into pieces. I mixed the hamburger, bacon and some shredded cheese together. Then, I topped it with some tater tots and baked it in the oven according to the tater tot instructions. Wah lah! Bacon cheeseburger casserole. I put a little kethcup on it. It was scrumpcious.
I was off work today, and it was a beautiful day. I got a lot of cleaning done around the house. Caught up on some much needed laundry, including all the bedding, which I usually do on the weekend. We've had the air off for the past 2 days and all the windows open. I love this weather. I do believe it will be getting hot again coming up this weekend. Which is fine with me. It's a holiday weekend and I have Saturday, Sunday and Monday off. However, no one is having a cookout. I'm a little bummed. I might call my parents and ask if we can just come over there and hang out and cookout with them.