Today, my dad and I went on a photo shoot to Bonneyville Mill in Bristol. The weather looked nice enough, but it was cold. We took the toll road there, and the charge for the short distance we travelled was $0.50. I only had my locker quarter on me, and my dad had tens. It was an automated machine and he got $9.50 back in change. Ask him about it, he was thrilled.
The recent warm weather had caused some mild flooding at Bonneyvill Mill and there were several large frozen puddles that littered the area. When I was walking across a bridge, I noticed a frozen puddle at the end of it. Literally, as I was thinking in my head, "hmmmm, I need to walk around this puddle on the non-frozen grassy area..." my two feet flew out from under me, both at the same time. There was no trying to stop the fall. Since my camera was in my hands, I threw my arms up in the air so the camera wouldn't get near the ground. So there was no breaking the fall either. I landed flat on my ass, with my arms up in the air holding my camera safely. Small price to pay for getting the shot.
It's not the first time I've fallen, and it won't be the last. But let's face it. It's not the worst thing to happen to me while on a photo shoot. I was electrocuted by a farm fence once.
Here's a couple shots I took today. Not bad, huh?