"Do you sell Bluetooths?"
"Does this phone come with a Bluetooth?"
"Does this phone come with a Bluetooth?"

People, Bluetooth is a technology, not a tangible object. No we don't sell Bluetooths because we don't sell open wireless protocol for exchanging data over short distances from fixed and mobile devices.

Nobody wants to hear your entire conversation on your cell phone as you are walking through the store. As long as cell phones have been around, I am still amazed at how people are under the impression that they have to speak as if the person on the other end is deaf. Think of your cell phone as a megaphone. A mega-cell-phone, if you will. The amazing technology used to manufacture phones will transfer your voice to the other end in a suitable volume desired by the recipient. I guarantee that the person on the other end has their phone held up to their ear, and can hear you just fine if you speak in a normal human decibel.

If you are able to multitask while driving...properly...all the power to you. If you are unable to talk on your phone and drive at an appropriate speed at the same time, DON'T. Studies show that talking on a cell phone while driving can make a person drive up to 2mph slower than other drivers. And since people already drive 10mph slower than I would like them to, that adds up to me sometimes being late to work.